Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1
Jenny, I really like the way your company newsletter has
caught on and the way you are handling it along with all
your other duties.
I enjoy it.
I can tell! I don’t know if you realize it or not, but you
have averaged working about three more hours per week
since you began doing this newsletter, and you haven’t
been late to work once in the last four weeks.
I knew I was probably working a little harder.
You really are. I think you have solved the attendance
problem we talked about last February. The newsletter
idea was a great way to make use of your interests!
Remember, the “P” in RAP makes the process work. Help
your team members identify goals that excite them and
maximize their capabilities.

Consequences Determine Performance

The best way to change performance is to carry out
appropriate consequences. Consequences are essential! If an
employee constantly performs unsatisfactorily, examine the
consequences of that behavior. If no negative consequences exist,
guess what? The behavior will continue. And if no positive
consequences exist for changing the behavior, guess what? No
change. The consequences (negative or positive) must fit the
behavior in order to change it — and they must be implemented
immediately and consistently.

1 Coaching, Mentoring and Managing

The best way to
change performance
is to carry out
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