A group of businessmen in Olathe, Kansas, decided that
they needed to lose weight. So they started a contest —
the winner to be honored by the losers. However, half the
men, recalling their past records of failure, decided to
approach the weight loss a little differently. They elected
to record each member’s weight weekly. Any participant
who did not lose at least one pound each week paid $10 to
every member who had lost one pound. Which group do
you suppose lost weight faster? You guessed it. When it
comes to measurable change, consequences are king!
People Treated Responsibly Take Responsibility
Team members who are viewed as responsible for their actions
tend to take responsibility. Have you noticed that when someone
gives you responsibility, you tend to rise to that level of trust? The
same thing happens with the people on your team. As you give
them responsibility, they will rise to it. And when you do that, you
also help that team member develop pride, self-respect and
If a member of your team performs unsatisfactorily, take a few
minutes to review the five insights of high-performance coaches.
Usually, the key to the person’s bad behavior and the remedy to
the problem lie in one of these five key insights!
Getting Results Is All About You