and more effectively. Notice also that Pat has not overpromised
and is thinking about the ramifications of her actions. Good ideas
often come with a price tag that must be measured before a
manager jumps in.
Effective Feedback
Coaching effectively requires you to develop strong feedback
skills. Learn how to let people know when they’ve done a good
job or when they need to correct their course. Praise and critiques
are kinds of feedback. Make it a daily habit to encourage your
people ... to assure them that they are the focus of your
professional life ... with regular feedback. Like listening skills,
feedback demands practice until it becomes second nature.
The following chart lists some opportunities for feedback and
some suggested methods for doing it. As you read, build on this
list and add other methods for acknowledging performance.
Coaching, Mentoring and Managing
Make it a daily
habit to encourage
your people.