Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1


  • Enthusiasm and optimism

  • Openness

  • Humor

  1. What was the biggest thing Charlotte did right as a
    StaffCoach™? What was her most glaring mistake?

  2. What StaffCoach™ attribute exhibited by Charlotte would
    be especially welcomed by your team? How could you
    take steps to develop that attribute?

A recovery plan like Charlotte’s indicates the ability to learn
from one’s mistakes. Although this did not end in total disaster,
unless something is done differently in the future, this will occur
again, and sales may not bounce back as strong.

One concern that appears to be left unaddressed is the lack of
negative feedback from her staff. Especially in new product
development, seasoned staff members must learn to speak up and
discuss their concerns, not nod and see if something flies. This
could have been a costly mistake. Charlotte needs to address why
only three people spoke up and then only after near disaster.
Rather than looking to the staff, she needs to really look inside:
What is she doing to stifle honesty?

On the positive side, the atmosphere around Charlotte’s
project seems positive and engaging. She truly demonstrated an
awareness of the production slippage and how to get people
engaged to meet the deadline. The fact that she used humor and
then rewarded her team makes hard work much more palatable.

The Five-Step StaffCoaching™ Model


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