Higher Engineering Mathematics

(Greg DeLong) #1


whereαis a phase displacement compared with
(ii) By drawing up a table of values, a graph of
y=sin(A− 60 ◦) may be plotted as shown in
Fig. 15.20. Ify=sinAis assumed to start at 0◦
theny=sin(A− 60 ◦) starts 60◦later (i.e. has a
zero value 60◦later). Thusy=sin(A− 60 ◦)is
said tolagy=sinAby 60◦.

Figure 15.20

(iii) By drawing up a table of values, a graph of
y=cos(A+ 45 ◦) may be plotted as shown in
Fig. 15.21. Ify=cosAis assumed to start at 0◦
theny=cos(A+ 45 ◦) starts 45◦earlier (i.e. has
a zero value 45◦earlier). Thusy=cos(A+ 45 ◦)
is said toleady=cosAby 45◦.

Figure 15.21

(iv) Generally, a graph ofy=sin(A−α) lags
y=sinAby angleα, and a graph of
y=sin(A+α) leadsy=sinAby angleα.
(v) A cosine curve is the same shape as a sine curve
but starts 90◦earlier, i.e. leads by 90◦. Hence
cosA=sin(A+ 90 ◦).

Problem 9. Sketch y=5 sin(A+ 30 ◦) from
A= 0 ◦toA= 360 ◦.

Amplitude=5; period= 360 ◦/ 1 = 360 ◦.

5 sin(A+ 30 ◦) leads 5 sinAby 30◦(i.e. starts 30◦

A sketch ofy=5 sin(A+ 30 ◦) is shown in Fig. 15.22.

Figure 15.22

Problem 10. Sketchy=7 sin(2A−π/3) in the
range 0≤A≤ 2 π.

Amplitude=7; period= 2 π/ 2 =πradians.

In general, y=sin(pt−α) lagsy=sinptbyα/p,
hence 7 sin(2A−π/3) lags 7 sin 2A by (π/3)/2,
i.e.π/6 rad or 30◦.
A sketch of y=7 sin(2A−π/3) is shown in
Fig. 15.23.

Figure 15.23
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