Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

ing light weights, faster running, jogging, dancing, biking, or any-
thing that raises the heart rate higher than the aerobic maximum. The
following factors should be considered when scheduling an anaerobic

  • For most, one or two anaerobic workouts per week
    is sufficient.

  • Anaerobic sessions should never be on consecutive days.

  • Anaerobic workouts should be preceded by a day off, or a
    short, easy aerobic day.

  • Anaerobic workouts should be followed by a day off, or a
    short, easy aerobic day.

  • An aerobic warm-up and cool-down should surround
    anaerobic workouts.

  • This anaerobic period should last no more than three to
    five weeks.

Anaerobic exercise is a very common cause of injury, ill health and
overtraining. It is also the most common reason so many who exercise
have poorly functioning aerobic systems; they are anaerobic during
many, if not most, of their exercise sessions. Be cautious when per-
forming anaerobic workouts. Do your MAF Test during anaerobic
periods. If you perform too much anaerobic work, you will know it
by the results of your MAF Test.
Most people don’t really need to do anaerobic workouts. Their
lives have enough stresses that stimulate the neurological, metabolic
and muscular systems to satisfy the minimal anaerobic requirements
of the body. So don’t be pressured into anaerobic workouts if you’re
not absolutely sure you want to.
An important rule is worth mentioning here again: Have fun in
your workouts. If your exercise routine has become a stress, then
something is wrong. Maybe it’s time to change what you’re doing.
Maybe you shouldn’t exercise with the people you’re with. Whatever
the case, if exercise isn’t fun, find out why and correct it.

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