Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Aerobic Sex
One important and enjoyable function of human performance is the
act of making love. Good aerobic function is a key ingredient for a
good sex life. But for millions of people, poor sexual function is com-
mon. There are many physiological reasons for this, discussed below,
and some that may be psychological (which go beyond the scope of
this book and are not addressed).
In general, when you’re fit and healthy, you should be physiolog-
ically and psychologically interested in sex. Specifically, a healthy aer-
obic system with good adrenal function (where many sex hormones
are produced) plays a role in healthy sexual function.
If we look at the act of making love as a workout, we see a truer
picture of what is happening. If one partner is always too tired in the
evening, the problem often is aerobic deficiency. This may be caused
by eating too many sweets or carbohydrate snacks in the course of the
evening, or throughout the day.
Suppose the unresponsive partner isn’t really tired. Perhaps
that’s the excuse used because he or she isn’t especially aroused sex-
ually. This aspect of lovemaking is, for the most part, hormonal in
nature, and sex hormones are affected by stress. Estrogen, for exam-
ple, plays important roles, from arousal to lubrication. Testosterone
also plays a vital role in sexual desire. Excess stress, a low-fat diet or
other factors can reduce these hormones and have a devastating
It is no coincidence that complaints of a lack of interest in sex
often coincide with high stress states. In many people, this “sexual
deficiency” then contributes even more to the already high stress
level, and prevents the person from getting a much-needed stress
reduction. Sexual activity can be very therapeutic. In the course of
your day and week, all kinds of stress can accumulate. That tension,
the increased sympathetic activity often associated with stress, if not
balanced, can be harmful. The act of making love, specifically, having
an orgasm, can eliminate that tension.
What of the complaint, often heard from women, that “he never
lasts long enough?” Among the factors associated with this occur-
rence is a lack of stamina. This translates to endurance, or the lack of
it. The inability to endure sexually is another symptom of aerobic


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