Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

deficiency. Correcting aerobic deficiency often eliminates these com-
Another factor associated with the person who “doesn’t last long
enough” is that he is usually not sufficiently warmed up. Many peo-
ple, more often men, choose to make lovemaking a sprint rather than
an endurance activity. A slow warm-up of activity is vital to any
workout, including lovemaking. In this instance, the warm-up is very
important, and can be accomplished with foreplay. Spending enough
time warming up will allow the hormonal system to properly evoke
the normal, healthy response in both partners. Without a warm-up,
you may not be ready to continue effective, enjoyable sexual activity.
Cooling down is another aspect of sex too often neglected, just as
in exercise; it’s vital to the complete workout. Like warming up, or
foreplay, cooling down is essential and should include a slow wind-
ing down, with easy, light-touch activity that produces even more
feelings of relaxation. Using exercise as a pattern, making love
requires the same elements: a slow increase in activity, followed by
the peak of the workout, and ending with a cool-down.
There are a variety of dietary and nutritional factors that can help
sexual performance. No, there’s no magic pill despite all the ads for
such gimmicks. The factors that really work happen to be the same
ones that help improve overall aerobic and hormonal function as dis-
cussed throughout this book. More importantly, there are a number of
factors that can have a negative impact on sexual performance — the
same factors that can inhibit aerobic function.
One aspect of sexual performance worth mentioning here is that
of fertility. This problem can affect both males and females as poten-
tial parents. Women who want to conceive but are unable often suffer
from a tremendous amount of stress. The first step for a woman who
cannot conceive (after several months of trying) is to be sure that ovu-
lation is taking place, and that intercourse is taking place at the same
time as ovulation. This can be done using a kit available from drug
stores. If that doesn’t result in success, make sure both partners have
been examined and all physical or chemical reasons have been elimi-
nated. If there are clear problems, your doctor will most likely have
some recommended therapy. If no clear problems exist, you may be
on your own again, unless you are willing to undergo more extreme

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