Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

be helpful in regulating brain function and improving conditions
such as depression. In addition to these dietary considerations, anoth-
er factor that can improve brain function is proper management of
stress levels.
In addition to nutrition, hormone balance is important for brain
function too. In particular, sex hormones. They help regulate protein
balance in the brain. Sex hormones are part of the big picture of hor-
mone balance and stress discussed in more detail in Chapter 31.

Ritalin Works Just Like Cocaine
Scientists have found that Ritalin acts just like cocaine by
chemically manipulating the brain’s dopamine system to
reduce distraction and increase attention signaling.
Ritalin was one of the first in what would become a group of
drugs used to treat ADHD and related behavioral problems.
These drugs are prescribed to millions of children. Many adults
also take the drug, along with untold numbers of illicit users.
Like cocaine, Ritalin is classified as a Schedule II controlled
substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration. It is among
the most addictive and abused prescription drugs.
Despite its widespread use, Ritalin does not address the cause
of the problem, but merely offers symptomatic relief. The side
effects of Ritalin are numerous and include decreased appetite,
which can adversely affect the child’s nutritional state, as well
as retarded growth, insomnia, increased irritability and
rebound hyperactivity when the drug wears off.
In addition, while ADHD is often associated with abnormal
brain chemistry, it is important to note that these types of
behavioral problems often have other contributing factors,
including psychological dynamics and social stress.
Psychotropic drugs have a reported effectiveness rate of about
75 percent. However, the effectiveness of natural remedies that
include the use of dietary supplements and diet modification is


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