Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

  • It can improve the function of the diaphragm and abdomi-
    nal muscles. In addition to breathing, these muscles play a
    significant role in physical movement, improving posture
    and supporting the spine and pelvis.

  • Because of its effect on the brain and nervous system, res-
    piratory biofeedback can improve the function of other
    muscles in the body as well, and help reduce pain.

Here are the steps for respiratory biofeedback:

  • It’s best performed in a lying position, although slightly
    reclined while sitting is also effective.

  • Place the hands or arms on the middle of the abdomen,
    and keep them relaxed. This provides a biofeedback effect
    on the diaphragm and abdominal muscles during

  • Closing the eyes can increase healthy alpha brain waves.

  • Listening to enjoyable music is also a great way to increase
    alpha waves, especially if headphones are used which
    keeps out distracting noise.

  • Breathe easy. Most people can comfortably, slowly inhale
    for about five to seven seconds; then, exhale for the same
    five to seven seconds. If five to seven seconds makes you
    feel out of breath or dizzy, adjust the time — try three to
    four seconds during inhalation, for example, and the same
    for exhalation.

  • Continue respiratory biofeedback for about five minutes.

Caution: It’s very important to not fall asleep, or not even start
drifting into sleep. If this happens, discontinue the respiratory
biofeedback session. Sleep produces very different brain waves
(delta waves, as noted above) that should be avoided during


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