Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

! Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).This is a common
problem, especially in the fall and winter. As the hours of
daylight lessen and the temperature drops, many people
go into a mild state of hibernation. The metabolism
slows, and the body and mind become sluggish, some-
times resulting in a mild or moderate depression. (This
corresponds with a combination of stresses: the weather,
lack of sunlight and even the start of the holiday season
— people don’t eat well, are less active, and weight gain
is common.)
Recognizing these 10 common symptoms of adrenal dysfunction
can be useful in your self-assessment. You may also want to test some
of your adrenal-hormone levels with the help of a professional. The
best test for adrenal hormones measures cortisol and DHEA, and is
usually performed over the course of a typical day and evening using
four saliva test samples, rather than just a single test.
With an awareness of the signs and symptoms of adrenal stress,
you can make some appropriate lifestyle changes to improve adrenal
function and possibly solve many of your problems. Earlier I dis-
cussed the importance of making your stress list. Now, let’s look at
some of the other factors related to improving adrenal function: diet,
exercise and lifestyle. Many of these have been addressed in earlier
chapters but presented here in the context of adrenal dysfunction.

Diet and Adrenal Stress
One of the most important dietary factors related to adrenal stress is
the consumption of refined carbohydrate and sugar. This includes
hidden sugars in many foods. How much is too much? Perform the
Two-Week Test if you’re not sure.
Caffeine is a common source of adrenal stimulation, a main rea-
son people consume it. Coffee, tea and colas are the main sources. If
you have an adrenal problem, assess your caffeine intake. For many,
no caffeine is best; for others, a single cup or two of coffee or tea may
be tolerable. You must determine, as objectively as possible by listen-
ing to your body, how much caffeine you can tolerate.

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