Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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Always eat a healthy breakfast. This includes protein but void of
refined carbohydrates. An egg-based meal can be the cornerstone of
an ideal breakfast.
People with adrenal stress often need to snack between the three
main meals, even every two hours in the early stages of recovery.
Healthy snacking habits were discussed in Chapter 20. Low-carbohy-
drate snacks include almonds and cashews, cheese, vegetables and
hard-boiled eggs. Avoid fruit juice.

Nutrients for Adrenal Stress
Your nutritional needs may vary with adrenal stress. These include
factors to help the immune system, gut and the adrenal glands them-
selves. Since the hormonal system is very complex, it’s recommended
that you seek the input of a health-care professional to correct a hor-
monal imbalance. Below are some possible supplemental nutrient

  • For many types of adrenal stress, especially those that
    cause insomnia, zinc may be useful. Studies show this
    important mineral can help lower high cortisol levels that
    accompany adrenal stress. Taken right before bed, for
    example, zinc may improve sleep patterns. A metallic
    taste in your mouth may mean that you’re taking too
    much zinc, so be careful with zinc supplementation.

  • Choline is a nutrient commonly needed by some people
    with adrenal stress, in part due to the relationship of
    choline with the nervous system. Individuals who are
    always on the go, overworked and trying to do too much
    are examples of those who may benefit from choline.
    Small amounts several times a day may be very helpful.
    The best source of choline in the diet is egg yolks. Those
    with asthma symptoms generally need even more

  • Intestinal dysfunction almost always accompanies adre-
    nal stress. This issue is discussed in Chapter 29.


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