Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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more. Adrenal stress increases the need for recovery.
Decide what changes are needed to ensure that you are
getting enough sleep.

  • Research shows that enjoyable music can lower high cor-
    tisol levels. Play music while in your car, at work or at
    home. Choose music you like but avoid the radio with its
    stressful commercials and commentary. Play the music
    you liked during the more stress-free and happiest times
    of your life.

  • Various meditation methods can counter stress, especial-
    ly respiratory biofeedback discussed in Chapter 28.

Other Natural Hormones
Hormones play a major role in your physical, chemical and mental
well-being. The key to optimal hormonal performance is balance, and
adrenal health is primary. Three key hormones, important for and
produced by both men and women, include the estrogens, testos-
terone and progesterone. As you age, and with increased stress, the
production of these hormones is diminished. This occurs especially
when cortisol rises, diminishing the production of DHEA, and subse-
quently, diminishing estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.
If you think your hormones are diminishing, the first step is to
assess them. Salivary hormone tests are performed by many health-
care professionals. If your hormones are not balanced (some may be
high while others are low), the next step is to consider all the adrenal-
related issues discussed in this chapter. Replacing your natural hor-
mones with synthetic versions has been a topic of major controversy
due to dangerous side effects, and should not be a first option. Many
people can restore normal hormone balance by improving adrenal
gland function, which usually includes other issues discussed in this
book. When this is not sufficient, natural hormone supplements may
be necessary.

This most well known of hormones is actually a group of about 20
compounds. The most important estrogens are estrone, estradiol and


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