Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Exercise and Adrenal Stress
In general, easy aerobic activity is helpful for all except the person in
the end stage of adrenal exhaustion. In this case rest may be most
important until adrenal function begins to improve. Anaerobic exer-
cise can worsen adrenal problems at any stage.
If you do not already exercise, a 20- to 30-minute easy walk, five
times per week, is a great adrenal therapy. If you already work out,
maintain easy aerobic exercise, such as walking. It will build the small
aerobic muscle fibers, promoting more fat-burning and increasing cir-
culation, both of which will help adrenal function.
Avoid all anaerobic workouts, including weight-lifting and any
exercise that raises the heart rate above your aerobic level. Once adre-
nal function is improved, anaerobic exercise can be resumed, though
the balance of aerobic and anaerobic exercise must be maintained as
discussed in previous chapters. In addition to these factors, other
lifestyle issues are worth considering:

  • A relaxing massage, such as a Swedish massage, can help
    reduce high cortisol levels. Avoid massages that cause
    pain, which could increase stress.

  • Sunlight on the skin and through the eyes is important
    for proper adrenal function and can help improve dys-
    function. Do not stare directly into the sun; just spending
    time outdoors provides sufficient photo stimulation
    through the skin and eyes. Natural, full-spectrum light
    from the sun can help the brain, which influences adrenal
    function. Window glass, prescription and non-prescrip-
    tion glasses and contact lenses can filter out the stimulat-
    ing part of the light spectrum. If you normally are
    exposed to little or no sun, take a walk during your lunch
    break to get some natural light (even on a cloudy day).
    For indoor use, consider replacing your regular light
    bulbs and tubes in locations where you spend consider-
    able time with full spectrum lights.

  • Evaluate your sleeping habits. Are you getting at least
    seven to eight hours each night? If not, you may need

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