Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Provera is a synthetic version of progesterone, one that is given to
many women. However, it doesn’t have the same functions as the nat-
ural hormone. While natural progesterone acts like a diuretic, Provera
can increase salt and water retention, and increase body fat. Too much
of this synthetic hormone can cause bloating, depression, fatigue,
increased hair on the body, and increased weight gain. Provera can
also cause your body to diminish its own production of natural prog-
esterone, forcing you to rely more on outside sources. Other synthet-
ics can cause birth defects, epilepsy, asthma and heart problems.
It’s important to note that both estrogen and progesterone work
together. In a real sense, they balance each other when in their natu-
ral state. Taking one form without the balance of the other often cre-
ates stress.
Testosterone is also a naturally occurring hormone made by both
men and women. This hormone is important for healing, helps build
and maintain muscles and bones, increases sex drive and overall
energy, and is a very important hormone for other areas of the metab-
olism. The synthetic version is methyltestosterone, with side effects
including hormonal imbalance, intestinal distress, increased choles-
terol, hair loss, depression, anxiety and others.

Getting Yours Naturally
The ideal scenario is to have your body make the types and amounts
of hormones necessary for you. That amount varies from day to day
and year to year (even from minute to minute). If reduced health
interferes with this delicate mechanism, imbalances can occur. I can’t
emphasize enough that preventing and correcting hormone imbal-
ance by improving adrenal function and overall fitness and health is
the most effective and best first option.
If you have signs and symptoms related to hormone imbalance,
measuring your hormone levels, by testing the blood and/or saliva,
is very important. Are-evaluation of any abnormal test results will
help you know whether improved lifestyle habits or any replacement
therapy is successful.
If you’re still producing too little hormone after trying all the
healthy habits discussed in previous chapters (especially balancing
dietary carbohydrate, fat and protein), taking natural hormones to


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