Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1


Your Optimal Death

An old proverb says we should approach death with dignity.
While living a long and healthy life past age 100, your physical and
mental activity should be relatively high right up to the time of death
— an event that should also be optimal. Perhaps on that day, you
wake with the sunrise to a freshly made cup of organic coffee. You set-
tle in for a vegetable omelet and, after reading e-mail from your chil-
dren, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and their younger ones,
you correspond to all. You spend some time writing in your diary,
then head out for a beautiful hike through the woods. After returning
for a healthy lunch, you nap for an hour or so. You dally in the gar-
den that afternoon, and follow that up with some easy paddling in the
canoe. You watch the sun set with your significant other during a fine
dinner complemented by a glass or two of Bordeaux, then share a
healthy but delicious homemade dessert. You head to bed, make love
and fall asleep by 10:30. Just past midnight, you die peacefully during
a sound sleep.

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