In addition to controlling inflammation and pain, eicosanoids
have many other important functions. Both groups 1 and 3 decrease
blood clotting and dilate blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure
and increases circulation. Group 2 eicosanoids, however, do almost
the opposite, increasing blood clotting, constricting blood vessels and
increasing blood pressure. But these activities can be healthy when
balanced. For example, without the constricting of blood vessels and
the raising of blood pressure during stress, blood circulation would
be poor and not enough oxygen and other nutrients would be circu-
lated to where these things are needed. Or, without blood clotting,
you could bleed to death from a small cut. Balance is key.
But excess group 2 eicosanoids can be deadly: they constrict
blood vessels too much, and clot blood too much. They can also trig-
ger tumor growth, atherosclerosis (fat deposits), asthma and allergy,
bone loss and even promote menstrual cramps.
Many people are unaware that their fats are not balanced. Certain
signs, symptoms and lifestyle habits may offer powerful clues that
your eicosanoids may be out of balance. The following survey can
help you determine the likelihood that you have an imbalance in fats
and eicosanoids. Check the items below that apply to you:
! Aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
improve symptoms.
! Chronic inflammation or “itis”-type conditions such as
arthritis, colitis, tendinitis.
! History or increased risk of heart disease, stroke or high
blood pressure.
! Often eat restaurant, take-out or fast food.
! Low-fat diet.
! Feelings of depression.
! History of tumors or cancers.
! Periods of reduced mental acuity.
! Diabetes or family history of diabetes.