An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

Adams, Hank, 182 , 185
African American(s): as buffalo sol­
diers, 13 9, 143, 146 -49, 16 7; and
civil rights, 10 , 17 5-76; and Jim
Crow laws, 14 0, 17 0; and "race
to innocence," 230 ; and Seminole
Nation, 66, 10 1-2
African American slaves and slavery:
and Civil War, 13 3-34; escaped,
66, 79, 101; of Indigenous elite, 91,
98, 134; and plantation economy,
55, 10 9; as property, 35 , 198; and
Red Sticks, 99; reparations to,
206; sea voyages and, 34; in Union
Army, 13 5-36; in Virginia, 61
African slaves and slavery: Britain
and, 38 ; in Caribbean Basin, 23,
n9; in Mexico, 12 7; population
of, 133; in South America, 43
agriculture: of Aztecs, 20; early
centers of, I 5-17; in Great Lakes
region, 24-25; industrialization
and, 16 6; in Mesoamerica, 17 -21;
in Northern Mexico, 125; in Pacific
Northwest, 25; and peoples of the
corn, 30 -31; systematic destruc­
tion of Indigenous, 61, 87; in US
Southwest, 21- 24
AIM (American Indian Movement),
18 4-86, 20 3,207,26on21
Akenson, Donald Harman, 48 -49
Alamo, 12 6, 127
Alcatraz Island, occupation of, 17 4,
18 3-84

alcohol and alcoholism, 41, 69-70,
84, 152 , 2II
Alfred, Taiaiake, 214
allotments, 15 7-61, 17 1-73, 18 9,
American Indian Movement (AIM),
18 4-86, 20 3,207,26on21
"American party of Taos," 122
Amherst, Jeffery, 67-6 8
Anasazi people, 22
ancestral remains, repatriation of,
206, 23 1-3 3
Anishinaabe[g] Nation, 24, 216 -17
Ankeah, Sam, 171
Apache Nation, 23, 138 , 150-5 1
Arawaks, 23
assimilation, 151 , 157, 173- 74
Aztec civilization, 19 -21

Bacon's Rebellion, 61 -62
Bahlul, Ali Hamza al, 201- 2
Balboa, Vasco Nuii.ez de, 43
"Battle of Horseshoe Bend" (1814),
99-1 00
Battle of Little Bighorn (1870),
15 1-52, 155
Battle of San Jacinto (1836), 127
Battle of the Alamo (1836), 12 6,
Battle of the Thames (I 8 I 3 ), 87
Baum, L. Frank, 155 -56
Bay ofpigs (1961), 17 7
Benton, Thomas Hart, 10 2, 12 2, 123
Bent's Fort, 1 22

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