An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs
Big Foot (Chief), 15 4-5 5
bin Laden, Osama, 56 , 201
bison. See buffalo
Black Americans. See African
Black Caribs. See Garifuna people
Black Elk, 162
Black Elk, Wallace, 178
"Black Hawk War" (1832), III
Black Hills (Paha Sapa): gold rush in,
152 , 188; restoration to Lakota
Sioux of, 18 0, 2u, 23 6; US confis­
cation and remuneration for, 207-8
Black Kettle (Chief), 137, 146
"blood quantum," 170
Blue Jacket (Weyapiersenwah), 81,
83, 85
Blue Lake, 17 9-80, 25 8n5
Boarding School Healing Project, 212
boarding schools, 151 , 153, 2u-14
Boas, Franz, 231
Boers, 48, 140
Bolfvar, Simon, u9-20
Boone, Daniel, 94, 105, 106 -7, 227
Borah, Woodrow Wilson, 41
Bozeman Trail, 145
Bradford, William, 63
Brant, Joseph, 81, 84
Britain: conquests by, 38; Indigenous
alliances with, 81, 86 -87; land as
private property in, 34 -36; transfer
of Ohio Country from, 78
Brown, Dee, 19 3
Buckongeahelas, 73- 74
buffalo: and Fort Laramie, 18 7-88;
and Ghost Dance, 153; in pre­
colonial America, 24, 28; and Sand
Creek Massacre, 13 7; slaughter of,
142 -43, 188, 220
Buffalohead, Roger, 213
buffalo soldiers, 143, 146 -49, 167

Index 281

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA): and
boarding schools, 151 , 189; and
energy resources, 209 ; and Indian
Relocation Act, 17 4; and Indian
Reorganization Act, 19 0; invest­
ment oflndigenous funds by, 16 8;
and Trail of Broken Treaties, 18 5
burial offerings, repatriation of, 206,
23 1-3 3
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
(Brown), 193
Bush, George H. W., 198
Bush, George W., 195, 218, 222
Byrd, Jodi, 218 , 224, 228 -29, 231

Cahokia, 23- 24
California: gold seekers in, 12 9,
130 ; Spanish control of, 125 -26,
12 7-29; statehood of, 12 4; US
invasion of, 123, 127-3 0
Calley, William "Rusty," 192 -9 3
Calloway, Colin, 39 -40
Calvinist origin story, 47-5 1
El Camino Real, 128
Canby, Edward R. S., 223- 24
Captain Jack (Kintpuash), 223- 24
Caribbean: US imperialism in, 162 -67
Caribs, 23
Carleton, James, 138 , 139
Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 151 ,
156 , 157, 212
Carson, Christopher Houston "Kit,"
12 2, 123, 137 , 138
Carter, Jimmy, 192
Casey, Edward, 156 -57
casinos, 210
Center for Constitutional Rights
(CCR), 201- 2
Central America: early Indigenous
civilizations in, 17 -21; indepen­
dence movement in, 11 9-20
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
176 -77
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