An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

Columbus, Christopher, 3-4, 23,
42 -43, 197 -9 8
common lands (commons), 34 -35,
230 -3 1
communism, 17 5-76
concentration camps, 13 8-3 9
Confederate Army, 13 3-3 6
Confederate States of America (CSA),
133-34, 135
Conley, Robert, 30
conquest, 32 -44; early European
history of, 32 -34; and gold fever,
42 -44; and land as private prop­
erty, 34 -36; sea voyages for, 34;
and terminal narratives, 39 -42;
white supremacy and class in,
36 -3 9
consensus, 25, 27
constitutions, 21 5-1 7
Cook, Sherburne, 41
Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth, 229
Cooper, James Fenimore: French and
Indian War and, 71; and manifest
destiny, 13 0; and militarism, 227;
and "myth of the essential white
American," 94; and settler patri­
otism, 10 3-4, 105, 107
corn cultivation: by Aztecs, 20; in
Great Lakes region, 24-25; Indig­
enous American agriculture based
on, 16 -17; by Iroquois villages,
17 ; irrigation systems for, 16 ; by
Mayans, 18 -19; in Mesoamerica,
17 -21; and peoples of the corn,
3 0-3 1; as sacred gift, 16 ; in US
Southwest, 21 -24
Cornplanter, 82
corporations, 16 7-69
Cortes, Hernando, 21, 43
Council of Energy Resource Tribes
(CERT), 209 -10
counterinsurgency: in Africa and Asia,
176 -77; in French and Indian War,


68; "Indian Wars" as template
for, 192 -95, 218, 219 -22, 229; in
occupied Northern Mexico, 12 7; in
Ohio Country, 83; in Philippines,
16 4, 16 5; in Seminole Wars, 101-2;
vs. standard European warfare,
145; in Vietnam War, 176 -77, 17 9,
192 ; and war of independence, 80,
93; in West, 14 9-5 3
covenant state, 4 5-5 5; and Calvin­
ist origin story, 47-51; Israel as,
47, 248n7; and myth of pristine
wilderness, 45 -47; and sacred land
becoming real estate, 5 5; settler
colonialism and Ulster-Scots in,
51 -54
Cowkeeper (Wakapuchasee), 101
Crazy Horse, 151 -5 2
credit, 143- 44
Creek Nation. See Muskogee (Creek)
Crockett, David (Davy), 94, 127
Crusades, 32 -33, 36 -3 7
CSA (Confederate States of America),
13 3-34, 135
Cuba, 16 4, 177
Culhuacan (Culhua Nation), 19
Curtis Act (1898), 158, 159
Custer, George Armstrong: in Civil
War, 13 9; death of, 15 1-52,
155 ; Wesley E. Merritt and, 165;
Seventh Cavalry of, 151 , 155, 188,
221; and total war in West, 14 5- 46

Dakota Sioux uprising, 136
Dakota Territory, 188
Davis, Erik, 23 2, 233
Davis, Stanford L., 147
Dawes Act (1 88 7), 11, 157 -61, 189
Declaration of Independence, 50, 76
decolonization: in civil rights era,
175; and future of United States,
229; and immigrants, 13; of
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