biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

CEO Stefanov WL, Robinson JA, Spraggins SA.
Vegetation measurements from digital
astronaut photography. International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and
Spatial Information Sciences. 2003;24:185-189.


CEO Stumpf RP, Robinson JA, Holderied K, Feldman
GC, Kuring N. Mapping water depths in clear
water from space. Proceedings of the 13th
Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, Baltimore,
Maryland; 2003.


CEO Quod J, Bigot L, Blanchot J, et al. Research and
monitoring of the coral reefs of the French
islands of the Indian Ocean. Assessment
activities in 2002. Mission carried out in
Glorieuses. Réunion: IFRECOR (Initiative
Française pour les Récifs Coralliens). 2002;2


CEO Robinson JA, Amsbury DL, Liddle DA, Evans CA.
Astronaut-acquired orbital photographs as
digital data for remote sensing: Spatial
resolution. International Journal of Remote
Sensing. 2002;23(20):4403-4438. doi:


CEO Robinson JA, Evans CA. Space station allows
remote sensing of Earth to within six meters.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union.


CEO Wilkinson MJ, inventor; Method for identifying
sedimentary bodies from images and its
application to mineral exploration. United
States Patent and Trademark Office 6,985,606.
January 10, 2006.


CEO-IPY Scambos T, Ross R, Bauer R, et al. Calving and
ice-shelf break-up processes investigated by
proxy: Antarctic tabular iceberg evolution
during northward drift. Journal of Glaciology.


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