biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Diatomeya Armand NA, Zavyalov PO, Yevgushchenko AN,
Koprova LI, Tishchenko YG. Results of ocean
observations from space under the
“Diatomeya” space experiment program on the
ISS RS. Materials from the International
Conference Fundamental Space Research; Latest
Developments in the Field of Geoecological
Monitoring of the Black Sea Region and
Outlooks on Implementing Them. September
22 - 27, 2008, Solnechnyy bereg, Bulgaria.


Diatomeya Vinogradov PV, Kaleri AY, Yevgushchenko AN,
Koprova LI, Tishchenko YG. Scientific
observations of the ocean from space onboard
the International Space Station. Kosmonavtika i
raketostroyeniye, 2007;4(49):85-90.


HREP- HICO Moses WJ, Gitelson AA, Berdnikov S, et al.
HICO-based NIR-Red models for estimating
chlorophyll-a concentration in productive
coastal waters. IEEE Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Letters. June 2014;11:1111-1115. doi:


HREP- HICO Amin R, Lewis D, Gould, Jr RW, et al. Assessing
the application of cloud-shadow atmospheric
correction algorithm on HICO. IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. May
2014;52:2646-2653. doi:


HREP- HICO Garcia RA, Fearns PR, McKinna LI. Detecting
trend and seasonal changes in bathymetry
derived from HICO imagery: A case study of
Shark Bay, Western Australia. Remote Sensing
of Environment. May 2014;147:186-205. doi:


HREP- HICO Keith DJ, Schaeffer BA, Lunetta RS, Gould, Jr
RW, Rocha K, Cobb DJ. Remote sensing of
selected water-quality indicators with the
Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean
(HICO) sensor. International Journal of Remote
Sensing. May 3, 2014;35:2927-2962. doi:


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