biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

COSMIC Orru R, Licheri R, Locci A.M, et al. Self-
propagating combustion synthesis of
intermetallic matrix composites in the ISS.
Microgravity Science and Technology.
2007;19(5-6):85-89. doi: 10.1007/BF02919459.


FLEX Farouk TI, Hicks MC, Dryer FL. Multistage
oscillatory “Cool Flame” behavior for isolated
alkane droplet combustion in elevated pressure
microgravity condition. Proceedings of the
Combustion Institute. 2015;35:1701-1708. doi:


FLEX Shaw BD, Vang CL. Oxygen Lewis number
effects on reduced gravity combustion of
methanol and n-heptane droplets. Combustion
Science and Technology. January 2016;188(1):1-
20 150716065835002. doi:


FLEX Dietrich DL, Nayagam V, Hicks MC, et al. Droplet
combustion experiments aboard the
International Space Station. Microgravity
Science and Technology. October 2014;26:65-

  1. doi: 10.1007/s12217- 014 - 9372 - 2.


FLEX Liu YC, Xu Y, Avedisian CT, Hicks MC. The effect
of support fibers on micro-convection in droplet
combustion experiments. Proceedings of the
Combustion Institute. August 2014; 35(2):1709-

  1. doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.022.


FLEX Paczko G, Peters N, Seshadri K, Williams FA. The
role of cool-flame chemistry in quasi-steady
combustion and extinction of n-heptane
droplets. Combustion Theory and Modeling. July
24, 2014;18(4-5):515-531. doi:


FLEX Shaw BD. ISS droplet combustion experiments -
Uncertainties in droplet sizes and burning rates.
Microgravity Science and Technology. June 19,
2014;26:89-99. doi: 10.1007/s12217- 014 -9377-


FLEX Nayagam V, Dietrich DL, Hicks MC, Williams FA.
Methanol droplet combustion in oxygen-inert
environments in microgravity. 8th U.S. National
Combustion Meeting, Park City, Utah; May 19-
22, 2013; 070HE-0303:11.


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