biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

FLEX Nayagam V, Dietrich DL, Ferkul PV, Hicks MC,
Williams FA. Can cool flames support quasi-
steady alkane droplet burning? Combustion and
Flame. December 2012;159(12):3583-3588.doi:
10.1016 /j. combustflame. 2012.07.012.


SAME Mulholland G, Meyer M, Urban DL, et al.
Pyrolysis smoke generated under low-gravity
conditions. Aerosol Science and Technology.
March 6, 2015;49:310-321. doi:


SAME Urban DL, Ruff GA, Mulholland G, Cleary T, Yang
J, Yuan Z. Measurement of smoke particle size
under low-gravity conditions. SAE International
Journal of Aerospace. 2009;1(1):317-324. doi:
10.4271/2008- 01 - 2089.


SAME Urban DL, Ruff GA, Sheredy WA, et al.
Properties of smoke from overheated
spacecraft materials in low-gravity. 47th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,
Orlando, FL; January 5-8, 2009.


SAME Urban DL, Ruff GA, Sheredy WA, et al.
Properties of smoke from overheated
spacecraft materials in low-gravity. 47th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,
Orlando, FL; January 5-8, 2009.


SLICE Cao S, Ma B, Bennett BV, et al. A computational
and experimental study of coflow laminar
methane/air diffusion flames: Effects of fuel
dilution, inlet velocity, and gravity. Proceedings
of the Combustion Institute. 2015;35:897-903.
doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2014.05.138.


SLICE Ma B, Cao S, Giassi D, et al. An experimental
and computational study of soot formation in a
coflow jet flame under microgravity and normal
gravity. Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute. June 2014;35(1):839-846. doi:


SPICE Dotson KT, Sunderland PB, Yuan Z, Urban DL.
Laminar smoke points of co-flowing flames in
microgravity. Fire Safety Journal. November
2011; 46(8):550-555.doi:


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