Bacterial Acclimation and Adaptation to the Space Environment
BASS Burning and Suppression of Solids
BBND Bonner Ball Neutron Detector
BBT Beacon-Beacon Test
BCAT- 3 - 4 - CP Binary Colloidal Alloy Test -3 and 4: Critical Point
BCAT- 3 - SC Binary Colloidal Alloy Test -3 Surface Crystallization
BCAT- 4 - Poly Binodal Colloidal Aggregation Test-4: Polydispersion
BCAT- 5 Binary Colloidal Allot Test- 5
BCAT- 6 Binary Colloidal Allot Test- 6
bFGF basic fibroblast growth factor
BFOs blood-forming organs
Study of the Effects of Space Flight Factors on the Technological and
Biomedical Characteristics of Bifidobacteria
Study of Processes for Informational Support of In-Flight Medical
Support using an Onboard Medical Information System Integrated into
the Information Control System of the ISS Russian Segment
Biodosimetry Biodosimetry in Astronauts
Obtaining Highly-Efficient Strains of Microorganisms for the Production
of Biological Petroleum Degrading Compounds, Organophosphate
Substances, Plant Protection Means, and Exopolysaccharides used in the
Petroleum Industry
Biological Rhythms The Effect of LongFunction by Analyzing 24-term Microgravity Exposure on Cardiac Autonomic -hours Electrocardiogram
Biopsy Effect Of Prolonged Spaceflight On Human Skeletal Muscle
Biotest Biochemical Status of Humans in Long-term Spaceflight
BISE Bodies in the Space Environment
Bisphosphonates Bisphosphonates As a Countermeasure To SpaceflightLoss - Induced Bone
BLT Boundary Layer Transition
BMD bone mineral density
BMI Blood Pressure Measurement Instrument
BMSC bone marrow stromal cells
BOI broth-only isolatese
BONEMAC Differentiation Of Bone Marrow Macrophages In Space
BOP bone proteomics
BOS Blood and Oxidative Stress
BP/ECG blood pressure/electrocardiograph
BPS Biomass Production System
Bradoz Bioradiation Dosimetry in Spaceflight