Biological Research in Canisters Symbiotic Nodulation in a Reduced
Gravity Environment
BTN-Neytron Study of the Fluxes of Fast and Thermal Neutrons
BSTC biotechnology specimen temperature controller
BugNRG (^) Bug Energy-Study of Output of Bacterial Fuel Cells in Weightlessness
C Celsius
CaCl 2 calcium chloride
CAD coronary artery disease
CAOX calcium oxalate
Card Long Term Microgravity: A Model for Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease with New Portable Equipment Card
Cardiocog-1, - 2 Cognitive Cardiovascular Experiment -1, - 2
Cardio-ODNT Comprehensive Study of the Pattern of Main Indicators of Cardiac Activity and Blood Circulation
CardioRespir Cardiorespiratory Adaptation to the Space Environment
CASPER Cardiac Adapted Sleep Parameters Electrocardiogram Recorder
CBEF Cell Biology Experimental Facility
CBOSS Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support System
CBPD continuous blood pressure device
CBTM Commercial Biomedical Testing Module
CC culture chambers
CCAP-ir crustacean cardioactive peptide immunoreactivity
CCF Capillary Channel Flow
CCM Cell Culture Module
Cell Culture Module - Immune Response of Human Monocytes in
CCM-Wound Repair Cell Culture Module Model of New Blood Vessel Development-^ Effect of Microgravity on Wound Repair: In Vitro
CCISS Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Control on Return from ISS
CCR Cube Corner Reflector
cDNA complementary deoxyribonucleic acid
CDRA carbon dioxide removal assembly
CDP computerized dynamic posturography
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
CELL WELL Reverse Genetic Approach to Exploring Genes Responsible for Cell Wall
Dynamics in Supporting Tissues of Arabidopsis Under Microgravity
CeMM C. elegans maintenance medium
CEO Crew Earth Observations
CEO-IPY Crew Earth Observations – International Polar Year