biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

CERISE Caenorhabditis Elegans RNAi Space Experiment
2 Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification, and -2
CEV crew exploration vehicle
CEVIS Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation System
CFE Capillary Flow Experiment
CFE - 2 Capillary Flow Experiment - 2
CFS-A Growth and Survival of Colored Fungi in Space-A
CFU Colony Forming Units
CGBA Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
CGSM Canadian GeoSpace Monitoring
CHab C. elegans habitat
CHAMP challenging minisatellite payload
CHIRO Crew’s Health: Investigation on Reduced Operability
Chondro Study on the Development of Methods to Produce Artificial Cartilage
Chromosome-1, - 2 Chromosomal Aberrations in Blood Lymphocytes of Astronauts-1, - 2
CIB Communications Interface Board
CIR combustion integrated rack
Circa 24 - hour Pattern of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Weightlessness
CL Contact Line
CLCA2 chloride channel accessory 2
CLCN4 chloride Channel, Voltage-Sensitive 4
Clinical Nutrition
Assessment Clinical Nutrition Assessment of ISS Astronauts^
ClO chlorine monoxide
cm2 square centimeter
CMG control moment gyroscope
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CNS central nervous system
CO carbon monoxide
CoCl2 cobalt chloride
COLBERT Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill
CORE Central Operations of Resources for Educators
COSMIC COmbustion Synthesis Under MIcrogravity Conditions
CO2 carbon dioxide
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
COX- 2 Cyclooxygenase- 2
CPC cardiopulmonary coupling
CPCG-H Commercial Protein Crystal Growth-High-density
CPDS charged-particle directional spectrometer
CPL capillary pumped loop

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