Space Tissue Loss - The Effects of Microgravity on Stem Cell-Based Tissue Regeneration:
Keratinocyte Differentiation in Wound Healing (STL-Regeneration-Keratinocytes) is a
Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program payload flying both NASA and DoD science
using cell and tissue cultures in microgravity to study the effects of tissue regeneration and
wound healing in space.
Space Tissue Loss is a DoD Space Test Program payload flying both DoD and NASA science using
cell and tissue cultures in microgravity to study the effects of tissue regeneration and wound
healing in space.
Wound healing is considered a
major clinical challenge in
surgical and military units; the
related concerns have been
mounting recently, triggered by
an aging population and
increasing rates of diabetes,
obesity, and cancer treatment
side effects. To better
understand the physiological
cascade of the healing model,
the present plan intends to
temporally obtain in vitro
biological samples associated
with endotoxin insulted dermal
cells and identify molecular
signatures using an integrated
pan-omics platform. We
project the earth based pan-
omic study may reveal true EARLY (or “immediate onset”) indicators of the healing cascade;
but, perhaps more importantly, a demonstrable understanding of the regulatory
nodes/networks cascading into successful wound healing. The application spans both military
and civilian injuries and immune response on Earth.
Prolonged residence in a space shuttle causes immunocompromisation; therefore the crew
members not only suffer from a delayed healing process, they also become particularly
vulnerable to bacterial infection. This study is designed to identify certain early molecular
signatures and/or therapeutic targets associated with the compromised healing cascade.
S118E10350 – Seen in this image is the hardware that houses the Cell
Culture Module - Immune Response of Human Monocytes in
Microgravity (CCM-Immune Response) and the Cell Culture Module -
Effect of Microgravity on Wound Repair: In Vitro Model of New Blood
Vessel Development (CCM-Wound Repair) experiments. The
experiments were flown on STS118/13A August 1, 2007.