biology and biotechnology

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in microgravity. The feedback mechanisms of vessels in the systemic and pulmonary circuits
were clarified. Results showed that the hemodynamic state of the body was significantly
different before and during flight. The features of adaptation reactions for each region studied
and their relationships upon simulating a vertical position using LBNP were identified,
depending on the original hemodynamic state of the body. The regions that are the most
impacted by long-term microgravity were determined. The data obtained highlighted the
positive benefits of exposing the lower body to negative pressure during flight on the
hemodynamic equilibrium in the body in general, and in particular on circulation in the
pulmonary circuit, which is most affected by microgravity. Data confirmed the effectiveness of
LBNP sessions on the circulatory system during crew member training for the return to Earth.

Turchaninova VF, Alfyorova IV, Krivolapov VV. Several aspects of a comparative analysis of
hemodynamic reactions to LBNP in crewmembers from various age groups. Aviakosmicheskaia i
Ekologicheskaia Meditsina (Aerospace and Environmental Medicine). 2010;44(1):20-25.

Cardio-ODNT Perfection
Turchaninova VF, Alferova IV, Krivolapov VV, Liamin VR, Beliaev AP. Dependence of the
circulation system functioning on cosmonaut age according to the results of physical loading
tests on a veloergometer. Human Physiology. December 29, 2013;39(7):707-711. doi:
10.1134/S0362119713070189. [Original Russian Text © Turchaninova VF, Alferova IV,
Krivolapov VV, Liamin VR, Beliaev AP. Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina. 2010;

Turchaninova VF, Alfyorova IV, Golubchikova ZA, Lyamin VR, Krivolapov VV. The Kardio-ODNT
experiment on board the ISS. 5th International Scientific and Applied Conference Manned
Spaceflights, Star City, Moscow Region, Russian Federation; April 9-10, 2003.

Turchaninova VF, Alfyorova IV, Golubchikova ZA, Lyamin VR, Krivolapov VV. Initial results of the
Kardio-ODNT experiment on board the ISS. Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine, Moscow,
Russia; June 10-14, 2002;330-331.

Cardio-ODNT Perfection
Grigoriev AI, Yarov AS, Kriutchenko SG, Kleyev VV, inventors; Device for the redistribution of
blood in the human body during arterial hypertension, and under conditions of weightlessness
during spaceflight. Russian Federation. Patent Number 47643. September 10, 2005.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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