(Pride Chekera) #1

Magnetic fields will enable us to invent maglev cars and trains
which locomote floating about a magnetic field. Instead of
constructing a durawall around your house, or a security fence,
you will be secured with a wall of magnetic fields, shielding you
from anything dangerous which can harm you from outside.

At the other hand, human population will increase to such an
extent that more accommodation will be on demand; thus
floating cities will be constructed. Right now the world
population is about 7 billion, by 2050 the world will have 9
billion people and in 2100 will has 11 billion people. There is a
drastic change as the world is going to be much populated.
China had imposed a one child policy, which they relieved this
year, 2021, into three child policy per family.

Setmans’ vs Xi’s society

As in the movie 'What Happened to Monday,' one child policy
was imposed to reduce the world population which had sky
rocketed. Although, in that movie Doctor Cayman incinerated
children instead of cryosleep them, the Setmans survived.

In future, humans, with advancement in technology, maybe with
some possibilities, will be cryosleeped and frozen with cryonics,
to wake up in future when there is a better environment with
advanced medical treatments for various diseases as Captain

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