The Millionaire Mindset

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of past customers in their files with whom they have not had contact for several months,
if not years. They wonder why they are broke and working 60 hours a week. They would
rather cold call in the dark, shake trees I call it, than nurture the relationships they have
with people who know them.
I spoke with a prominent attorney in Kuala Lumpur recently about this very point.
I asked him if he wanted more business. He sure did! I asked if he had any past clients
whom he had not contacted for at least 6 months. “Oh yes,” he laughed, “all kinds.” Do
you want to find $10,000 in 90 days? Contact your past clients. You’ll be surprised by the
fact some have moved away or no longer live in the country. Some have even died.

The Marks of a Professional salesperson

If you want to become wealthy, learn how to become better at sales. Think how
many salespeople there are in the entire world. There are almost 27,000 real estate agents
in my city (Toronto) alone. Competition is fierce. If you want to win big in selling, you’ll
need to develop some unique characteristics which differentiate you from everyone else.
As Pareto said, twenty percent of the sales force produces eighty percent of the
sales. Those who do achieve great success in selling display certain tell-tale marks of a
Consumers are more sophisticated now than ever. They have come to expect and
even demand a high level of competency and service from the people to whom they give
their money. I’ve been selling since I was a boy. I’ve made a small fortune in this profession
and can quickly tell you the people who win big in the game of selling not only meet those
customer expectations, they exceed them.

inTernal Marks oF a ProFessional

sTraTeGy 8-5:

develop integrity.

Mark #1: integrity

In.teg.ri.ty (in-teg-ri-tee) n. 1. honesty, incorruptibility.

  1. wholeness, entirety. 3. soundness.

Look at the problems we face in the world today. Politicians, stock brokers,
government workers, business and religious leaders and sports figures are rocked by
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