The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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sTraTeGy 8-15:

strut your stuff.

Demonstrate a ‘we can do it’ attitude.
Customers are alert to see if a company remembers
the lessons it learned during recessionary times.
You may have the best products or service,
but that’s not enough. Go the next step. Show
enthusiasm for going out of your way to prove
you’re still highly service-oriented.
Make prospects ecstatic by giving them
your home telephone number, giving them a special gift, getting them faster service than
anyone else in the industry. Doing something for free for them will show you care.

sTraTeGy 8-16:

stay alert.

Keep a watchful eye on the competition. Too many businesses take their direction
straight from the competition. Now is no time to let a competitor lead the way! The
competition may be completely in the dark and its activities could be nothing more than
weak attempts to get moving. Write your own marketing and sales plans and then stay on
Find five things your competitors do well, and then write a plan to absolutely
blow them out of the water.

sTraTeGy 8-17:


Tell your customers and prospects you want their business. Don’t ever assume
they know. Don’t think price is all they care about. Show appreciation. A short thank you
note may be far more effective than a pair of tickets to the ballet!
Today, sit down and either write a personal handwritten note to ALL past clients
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