The Millionaire Mindset

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or fax them a nice note. Let each one know you are happy they bought from you in the
past and you would enjoy doing business with them again. Finally, tell them you want their
continued business and that of their friends.

sTraTeGy 8-18:

resell customers.

Only a fool assumes all customers know everything you do. Whether you’ve been
doing business with a customer for a month or a decade, plan a marketing program that
aims at educating your customers on all your products and services.
Prepare an audio tape featuring all the new products or services you have. Interview
someone important on the tape. Ask them questions relevant to the prospect. Make it
informational, not commercial. Solve problems.

sTraTeGy 8-19:

niche it.

Practice niche marketing. Look for markets which best match your company’s
products and service _ and come out swinging! Strive to become a big fish in a small pond.
Competition is generally less intense in niche markets, and your strong position will fend
off unwanted intruders. As you successfully serve new customers, you have a good chance
of becoming a preferred supplier.
Come up with a list of places where your niche market congregates then make a
plan to market to three that are new to you.

sTraTeGy 8-20:

Get help.

Make your employees and suppliers your firm’s ambassadors. Improved economic
conditions can lull many companies into a false sense of security. This is very dangerous.
Communicate often, emphasizing good news via pay envelope stuffers, bulletins and
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