The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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What follows will show you how to attract 150 to 300 prospects who are
predisposed to buy what you are selling and how to get others to pay for the entire
promotion. We have done this successfully all over the world – IT WORKS!!!
The biggest challenge in any business is to find people who are predisposed to
buy what you are selling. For years, I’ve been teaching people to move away from cold
calling because it’s too time consuming and too tough emotionally.
I would rather have one person call me than me call 100 people. Most business
people agree and tell me they would sell more if they could only get in front of more people
who are predisposed to buy what they are selling.
In a nutshell, here’s how this program works: You will host a seminar, hire a
speaker, and send out 10,000 brochures using a unique method. You will have sponsors
pay for everything, get the speaker to endorse you from the stage, and follow-up after the

sTraTeGy 8-25:

be clear about whom you want to


step 1: identify your Target Market
The first step is to spend time evaluating your ideal prospects. I know this
sounds basic but I can tell you far too many people and business owners think they sell to
EVERYONE. Think about the ideal person who might buy what you are selling and think
about what problems they might currently have. What are the issues with which they are
currently dealing? Where are they in terms of deciding to buy what you sell? Consider all
the demographic factors (age, education, status, position, income, etc.).
The more you know about your ideal prospects, the easier it will be to attract them
to a seminar. If you cheat on this step then you will lessen your potential for success.

sTraTeGy 8-26:

design the right seminar.

step 2 : design a seminar to attract your ideal Prospects
Find a seminar topic that your ideal prospect will respond to. In Step 4, you’ll see
the mechanics of getting them to the seminar, but you should think about designing the
right type of seminar.
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