The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

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Write something. Anything! Interview someone, ask questions and get something
written. It could be a book, tape, or a report because people like to work with people they
consider experts. It’s strange, but when you see something in print you tend to believe it.
(Or at least I hope you do, given that you are reading this.)

sTraTeGy 8-23:

Get with the times.

Change your marketing strategy to fit the psychology of the times. Emphasize
how your products or services save time, cut costs, and increase productivity. Take this
route and you’ll stand out in the marketplace because most of your competitors will be
depending only on the momentum of the economy to carry them forward.
Find another aggressive marketer and do a cross-promotion. You sell your clients
on buying his service and he does the same for you. You send all past clients a letter extolling
the virtues of this other person and recommending them wholeheartedly. They do the same
for you.

sTraTeGy 8-24:

Promote more.

Increase your promotional efforts. Go on the offensive and promote, promote,
promote! Double your efforts, especially when things are tough. When you don’t have
money to invest in promotion, that is when you MUST do it.
Put on a seminar to attract prospects. Take out classified ads offering a FREE
special report. Double your telemarketing efforts. Do ten more appointments this week.
Commit to it and do it. What follows is a step by step way to attract hundreds of people
to a seminar. It has worked for me all over the world.

My MosT PowerFUl sales sTraTeGy

6 sTePs For anyone To Find 200+ Prospects and Get others To
Pay For everything – including sending out 10,000 brochures.
Free download pdf