The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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sTraTeGy 8-29:

Put on the show.

step 5: Conduct the seminar
Be sure to have communicated early with the speaker that you are counting on
him/her to help you meet certain seminar objectives. Have a clear understanding about this
before you actually finalize with the speaker. You must feel comfortable that the speaker
can help you sell from the stage. This is important, if the speaker is credible, it will reflect
on you. The speaker can say things about YOU that you can’t about yourself. When I’m
on stage and I tell the audience to buy your product because I think it’s the best I’ve ever
seen.... they act! They trust a credible speaker.
During our seminars we will actually sell the sponsors’ services. Our most popular
seminar is THE SALES-BOOSTER Internet Marketing Seminar. At the seminar I show
actual websites and how to make them profitable. I download the sponsors’ websites into
my computer so I can demonstrate them in the seminar.
Allow the sponsors to exhibit at the back of the room. Have an intermission to
allow the participants to mingle with the sponsors. We find a 3-hour seminar works best for
what we want to accomplish. People must feel like they attended a great seminar. It must
come off like a normal $199 seminar for this to work properly. At the end of the seminar,
the speaker, not you, should do a short presentation about the seminar objective. I have
endorsed clients, sold website packages, booked appointments for serious prospects, raised
investment money, recruited salespeople, and sold many types of products for clients using
this format. Make sure your speaker is comfortable doing this and is good at it.

sTraTeGy 8-30:

stay in touch.

step 6: Follow-up relentlessly
Immediately after the seminar, a letter should go out from the speaker to all the
attendees. Since you are hiring the speaker, in essence, to be your spokesperson, the letter
should restate the offer of the seminar. For example, you offered the participants a package
of goods at a certain price for “TODAY ONLY.” Your follow-up letter might read something
like this:
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