Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

in three-dimensional rotations, 341, 352
time-dependent Schrödinger equation, 286, 308–309, 318
in two-dimensional rotations, 334
second law of thermodynamics
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
disorder concept of entropy, 602–603
entropy, 72–79, 81–85, 602
overview, 66
second-order reactions, rate laws, 688–690, 693–694
secular determinant, in linear variation theory, 399–400
selection rules
description, 462–463
for electronic spectroscopy, 520
gross selection rule, 472, 513, 520
for Raman spectroscopy, 513
for rotational spectroscopy, 471–473
for vibrational spectroscopy, 487–490
self-diffusion, 675
crystal defects, 759–760
zone refining, 192–193
semipermeable membrane, 196–197, 200
shells,see alsoorbital properties
description, 356
term symbols, 526–534
shielding, 396
shielding constant, 574
sigma orbital, 410
silicon, zone refining, 192–193
simple distillation, liquid/solid solutions, 185–186
single-component systems,see alsomulticomponent systems
chemical potential, 159–162
Clapeyron equation, 148–152, 155
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, 152–154
equilibria, 141–165
Gibbs phase rule, 154–159
natural variables, 144, 159–162
overview, 141–145, 162
phase diagrams, 154–159
phase transitions, 143, 145–148
SI units
pressure, 2–3
temperature, 3, 7
volume, 2–3
Slater, J. C., 446
Slater determinants, 380–382
Smoluchowski, Marian, 676
amorphous solids, 732
chemical equilibrium, 129–132, 143–144, 194
interface effects, 771–777
liquid/solid solutions, 185–188, 194
Miller indices, 744–752, 778–780

phase diagrams, 154–159
phase transitions, 143, 145–148
solidification, 143
solid/solid solutions, 188–193, 752
surfaces, 778–783
types of, 732–733
solubility, 185–188, 222
solute, 185
boiling point elevation, 194, 196
chemical equilibrium, 129–132, 194
colligative properties, 193–202
Debye-Hückel Theory, 230–234, 646
diffusion, 671–677
freezing point depression, 194–195
ions in solution, 225–230, 234–237
liquid/solid solutions, 185–188, 194
molality, 193–194, 226–227
nonideal two-component liquid solutions, 179–183
osmotic pressure, 196–201
saturated solution, 185
solid/solid solutions, 188–193, 752
solubility, 185–188
solubility product constant, 222
supersaturated solution, 186
solvent, 185, 194
specific heat, 31, 40
specific heat capacity, 40
angular momenta
electronic spectra, 521–525, 534–539
magnetic spectra, 565–566, 569
rotational spectra, 470
aromaticity, 546–548
centrifugal distortions, 479–481
classical mechanics, 248–251, 253–257
description, 463–466
diatomic molecules, 491–496, 534–539
electric charges, 561–564
electronic spectroscopy, 519–559
electron spin resonance, 567–571
fingerprint regions, 504–506
fluorescence, 548–550
Franck-Condon principle, 539–541
Hückel approximations, 543–546
hydrogen atom, 520–522
lasers, 550–556
linear molecules, 491–496
magnetic dipoles, 561–564
magnetic inductions, 561–564
magnetic spectroscopy, 560–585
molecule vibration, 481–484
multiple electrons, 526–534
nonallowed vibrational transitions, 503–504

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