Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1
3.9 Increments and differentials 197

If we measure the edges of a cube and decide that, subject to errors in
measurement, each side has length x, we conclude that, subject to con-

sequences of errors in measurement, the volume V of the cube is x3.
If the edges have exact lengths x + Ax, then the exact volume is (x + Ax) 3,
or V + AV, and the number AV is the error in Y produced by the error
Ax in x. In quantitative treatments of this matter, we let Y = x3 and
use the differential dY defined by

(3.98) dV = 3x2 dx

as an approximation to AV. In some practical situations, it is reasonable

to assume that (for some positive constant p that might be j- or 2 or 10),
the error dx in x has a magnitude not exceeding p per cent of x. This
means that

(3.981) Jdxi <


With this assumption, we find from (3.981) that

(3.982) I dVI 5 3x2
100 x = 00 x3 = 100

This leads us to the idea that if we measure the length of the edge of a
cube with an error not exceeding p per cent, the resulting error in the
computed volume will not exceed 3p per cent.

Problems 3.99

1 Find the increment AA4 and the differential dl of area produced when a
circular disk of radius r is expanded or contracted to a circular disk of radius
r + A. .4ns.: A14 = 7r(2hr + h2) and dll = 2rrrh. Remark: We have another
opportunity to try to understand a formula. Sketch a figure in which Jhi is
small in comparison to r and observe that the difference of the two disks is a
circular ring of thickness JhJ. Since the inner (or outer) boundary of this ring
has length 27rr, it is not surprising that the area of the ring is approximately
2 The area .4 of a sphere of radius r in Es is 4rrr2; this should seem to be
reasonable because the area of a hemisphere should be about twice the area of an
equatorial disk. The volume Y of the spherical ball bounded by this sphere is
4grrr8. Find the increment AY and the differential dY of volume produced when
the radius changes from r to r + h. Show that the formula for dY can be put
in the form dY = .4h and try to see a geometrical reason why 4h should be a
good approximation to AY when Jhl is small.
3 Use differentials to obtain an approximation to the number of cubic
centimeters of chromium plate that must be applied to the lateral surface of a
circular cylindrical rod 30 centimeters long to increase its radius from 2.34
centimeters to 2.35 centimeters. Ins.: About 4.4 cubic centimeters.
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