Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

198 Functions, limits, derivatives


Suppose that x and y are differentiable functions of t such that
x2+y2 = 1.
Show that differentiating with respect tot and multiplying by dt gives the formula
(2) x dx + y dy =0.
Remark: In case t = x, we can divide (2) by dx and recover the first of the formulas

(3) x + ydx= 0, xdy+ Y = 0,

which is valid when y is a differentiable function of x for which (1) holds. In
case t = y, we can divide (2) by dy and recover the second formula in (3), which
is valid when x is a differentiable function of y for which (1) holds.
5 Supposing that n is a constant and x is positive, observe that the first
of the formulas
(1) y = x", log y = n log x

is equivalent to the second. Use these formulas to obtain

dy = nx' dx


Use (2) to show that if ldxl 5 (p/100)x, then idyl 5 (Inlp/100)y. Then use (3)
to obtain the same result.
6 Gradual changes in tensions or compressions or temperatures can produce
gradual changes in the lengths of iron rods that form a triangle such as that

Figure 3.991

shown in Figure 3.991. Therefore, because the law of cosines
must hold at each time t, it makes sense to suppose that we
have four positive differentiable functions oft such that

(1) w2 = u2 + v2 - 2uv cos 0.

Equate the derivatives with respect to t of the members of (1)
and multiply by dt to obtain the differential formula
(2) w dw = (u - v cos 6) du + (v - u cos 0) dv + uv sin 0 d8.

Remark: It is sometimes both possible and unwise to underestimate potentialities
of formulas. The formulas (1) and (2) contain eight numbers u, v, w, 0, du, dv,
dw, and dB. There are many situations in which some information about some
of these numbers is known and the two formulas can be used to eke out more
information. Some problems are much more recondite than the one solved by
finding w from (1) and then finding dw from (2) when the values of the other six
numbers are known.

(^7) Supposing that T, L, and g are positive, observe that the first of the
(1) T = 2a Zig, L 1 1
71, = 41r2 g, log T= log2a -
2 log L - 2 log g

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