Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

200 Functions, limits, derivatives

where g is the (scalar) acceleration of gravity, vo is the initial speed, and a is the
angle of elevation of the gun so 0 < a < 7r/2. Find a formula in which wecan
put estimates of errors in g, v0, and a to obtain an estimate of the resulting error
in R. Hint: Use logarithms. t1ns.:

V0 +Idgg

2a cos 2a
sin 2a


Remark: When a is not too close to it/2, the factor multiplying Ida/al has the
order of magnitude of Icos 2al. When a is near 7r/2, the factor is very large.
We are now able to enlighten rabbit hunters when they ask us why they are
unlikely to hit their targets when they shoot almost straight up.
12 Find the maximum possible percentage of error in the computed estimate
of the volume of a cone that can be caused by errors not exceeding p per cent and
q per cent in measurements of the height and the base radius of the cone. Ans.:


13 When three resistors having resistances rr, r2, r3 are connected in parallel,
the resulting resistance R is determined by the formula

1 1 1 1
-T1+r2 .+73

With the aid of the fact that resistances are always positive, prove that if no
error in a resistor exceeds p per cent, then the error in R produced by these errors
cannot exceed p per cent. Remark: This conclusion really means something to
those who design the mazes hidden in our television sets. Problems involving
silver bands and gold bands and tolerances (percentages of error) cannot be
ignored. Engineers do not like to behave like rabbit hunters who shoot almost
straight up.
14 Show that the conclusion of the preceding problem is violently false if the
numbers rl, r2, r3 are not resistances of resistors but are numbers of which some
can be positive and some can be negative.
15 Let r be a differentiable function of t. For example, we may have
(1) r(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j + z(t)k,

where all of the functions are differentiable and the vectors i, j, k are the unit
orthonormal vectors of Section 2.2. By a definition analogous to the one involv-
ing scalar differentials, a vector dr and a scalar dt constitute a pair of differentials

(2) dr = r'(t) dt.
With or without using the rectangular representation (1) and the fact that

Ir(t)12 = [x(t)]2 + [y(t)]2 + [Z(t)]2,
prove that
dlr(t)12 =

16 The specific heat of a substance is sometimes said to be the number of
calories of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the stuff 1 degree
centigrade. This definition is sometimes useful but, because substances have
different specific heats at different temperatures, the following definition is much
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