Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1
3.9 Increments and differentials 199

is equivalent to the other two. Use these formulas to obtain

dT =

.(:)-bigdL 2Ldg
g g
(3) 2TdT =4rzgdL 2Ldg

(4) T dT
= 2 L dL gdg.

Making a suitable application of the fact that 1,41 < JBI + ICI whenever 4, B,
and C are numbers (not necessarily positive) for which 4 = B + C or 4 = B - C,
use (2) to show that if IdLI 5 (p/100)L and (dgl S (q/100)g, then JdTj <_
[-(p + q)/100]T. Repeat the process by use of (3) and (4). Remark: The
first of the formulas (1) is a standard formula for the period T (a number of
seconds) of a pendulum of length L which oscillates in a world where the scalar
acceleration of gravity is g. Our result shows that if errors in measurement of L
and g do not exceed p and q per cent, respectively, then the error in T will not
exceed ''T(p + q) per cent.
8 A pendulum clock gains 3 minutes in 24 hours. By what per cent should
the pendulum be lengthened? 4ns.: 0.42 per cent.
9 Under appropriate conditions the pressure p and the volume V of confined
gas satisfy the relation

(*) pv"=C,

where ry (gamma) and C are constants that depend upon the gas and the condi-
tions. Obtain the formula
(**) dp+ydV0
p T'

in two different ways. First, differentiate the members of () as they stand.
Then operate upon the equation obtained by taking logarithms of the members
of (
). Remark: It is so often desirable to take logarithms before differentiating
that the process is named logarithmic differentiation. The derivative of the
logarithm of a function is called the logarithmic derivative of the function.
10 Apply the procedure of the preceding problem to the relation

pV = nRT,
in which n is the number of gram-moles of a gas, R is a universal proportionality
constant known as "the gas constant," and T is the absolute, or Kelvin, tempera-
ture. It is now supposed that p, Y, and T are all functions of t and the relation

dp dV dT

p + V T

is to be obtained.

(^11) For dense projectiles fired short distances over a horizontal plane, the
range R is calculated from the formula
R =
sin 2a,

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