Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

also a part of the problem. In each example, the women misin-
terpreted a man’s behavior and mistakenly assumed they were
further along the five stages of dating.
To correct this problem, a woman needs to understand what
makes her special to a man. Then she can proceed correctly in
each of the stages of dating. Without correctly interpreting the
signals, she will mistakenly conclude that she is in stage four
when from his side he is still in stage one.


There is something special about every woman, but what
makes a woman more special to a particular man is the special
chemistry he feels for her. This chemistry cannot be created.
It either exists or doesn’t exist. An apple seed is an apple seed.
It can’t become anything other than an apple tree. The only
thing we can do is make sure we recognize its needs and give
it a chance to grow. Too much water can rot the roots, while
not enough will starve it. How we approach a relationship can
either prevent or support the growth of attraction.

We cannot create chemistry, but we can
either prevent or support its growth.

A woman first feels that she is special to a man when he feels
physically attracted to her. A woman must remember that she
is not that special, because there are a lot of women to whom
a man can feel physically attracted. It is a good beginning, but
it doesn’t necessarily mean anything more. To him, in that
moment, she may be the ultimate woman of his dreams. In
this case, he may believe and behave as though he were in love
with who she is, but only time will

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