Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


The more physically attractive a woman is, the more annoyed
she may become with men. Men who have no deep interest in
her are constantly pursuing her. Although a woman may feel
flattered by a man’s attentions, after a series of disappoint-
ments, it can become a source of resentment as well. These are
some common frustrations of women who became sexually
intimate too quickly:
Jill complained, “I can’t believe the men I meet. At first they
are so charming and interested and then they just turn off and
you never hear from them again.”
Jane said, “I can’t trust men. They are so selfish. They pre-
tend to be very interested and then when they get what they
want they are gone.”
Karen shared, “I don’t even like to date anymore. When a
man is so giving, I feel obligated to give him what he wants,
and then I get nothing. I would rather get nothing and be alone
than give myself and then get nothing.”
Carolyn questioned herself: “I don’t know what I do, but as
soon as a man gets to know me, he doesn’t like me. I don’t
think any man could love me.”
Nancy wondered, “Why is it that the men I meet are all jerks?
At first they stick to you like glue and then the next morning
you feel that they want to get away from you. I called one guy
the next morning and he asked why I had called! I can’t even
imagine saying that to someone.”
Yvette asked, “Why do I attract men who only want one
thing? They are always so nice in the beginning, and then after
having it their way, they don’t even call.”
These women have a right to be upset. They innocently re-
sponded to a man’s advances and then felt disappointed or
betrayed. They felt in some ways tricked by his sudden shift
in interest. What these women don’t realize is how they are

158 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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