Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

his own voice, he is still very receptive to her joining in the
conversation. This is hard for a woman to remember because
on her planet, a Venusian demonstrates her interest by directly
asking questions.
It is not just women who misinterpret; men also take things
the wrong way. When a woman doesn’t join in a conversation,
a man either assumes that she has nothing to say or gets the
message that he hasn’t yet earned her acceptance, and so he
keeps talking. In either case she ends up feeling neglected and
annoyed by his self-centeredness. He unknowingly turns her
off so that she eventually doesn’t want to talk to him.
By understanding what is easiest for men and women and
correctly interpreting the signals, we can relax on a date and
do what is most natural. Generally a man will feel relieved
when a woman joins in and carries a conversation. It takes the
pressure off of him and lets him relax and get to know her.
Men are happiest when a woman opens up and shares, while
women enjoy carrying the conversation as long as they feel a
man is interested.
Once we get to understand each other, we are really a perfect
fit. A man likes to listen and a woman likes to talk. If she can
correctly interpret his behavior, then she can do what she en-
joys best and he can do what he enjoys best. Without the correct
interpretations, however, she listens when she would rather
be talking and he keeps talking when he would rather listen
and get to know her. Dating doesn’t have to be a struggle; it
can be easy and fun. It is all a matter of how we interpret each


Even with this understanding, it is still awkward in the begin-
ning for a woman to interrupt a man. To be graceful on

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