Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


Most women are surprised to hear that men don’t like being
questioned. Certainly a few questions are fine, but a man
prefers it if a woman carries the conversation. As we have ex-
plored, when he diligently answers her questions, the last thing
he imagines is that she is feeling neglected. He feels he is doing
his best to carry the conversation. She asks questions and he
answers them. What more could he do to make things better?
When a woman asks lots of questions, she assumes that she
is being loving and supportive. Asking questions for her is the
best way of demonstrating that she can be loving. It is also a
way for her to test a man’s ability to have a relationship. If he
doesn’t understand Venusian manners, however, and ask
questions back, she may get turned off before getting to know
Just as a man can unknowingly turn a woman off by not
asking questions, a woman can unknowingly turn a man off
by asking too many questions. Quite often men will express
their annoyance about women who ask too many questions.
Even if a man is really attracted to a woman, this annoyance
can be enough to turn him off. He may not even know why he
is turned off, but many times it is simply a woman asking too
many questions.
Sometimes, however, it is not as simple as just annoying a
man by asking questions. There is another aspect. When a
woman begins to open up to a man, she will naturally begin
to share the events and issues of her day. When she talks about
problems, a man mistakenly assumes that she is asking him
what to do about them. So even when a woman isn’t asking
for his advice, a man may think she is and then proceed to give
her some advice.

232 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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