Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

cure and needing some reassurance, many women would be
turned off. Women are most attracted to a man who is confid-
ent. Many men do instinctively know this. What men don’t
know is what a turn-on it is to a woman when a man calls the
next day after a date to let her know that he had a good time.
When he can communicate a feeling that he definitely likes
her and wants to spend more time together, it is music to her
ears. This kind of confidence not only makes him very attractive
to her but also gives her the reassurance she needs and greatly

Most men don’t realize how much a woman
will appreciate him if he calls after a date.

When a man starts to understand that women are from
Venus, then it starts to make sense. When he learns what works,
he does it. Most men just don’t have a clue what a gift it would
be if they were to give strong reassuring messages after a date.
By giving a woman the reassurance she needs, the man frees
her simply to enjoy the relationship and not wonder if things
are going well.


  1. Call to Let Her Talk About the Date Even If You Don’t
    Have a Lot to Say

Since many men don’t have a lot to say after a date, they are
not automatically motivated to call. It feels a little foolish to
call when you have nothing to say. Call her even if you don’t
feel like talking or you have very little to say. You can at least
ask her questions.
Give her a chance to talk about the date. As she talks, it will
remind you of what happened and how you felt. You

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