Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

poseful. He feels inspired to be better, and he is motivated to
fulfill her needs: He wants to be with her, to get to know her,
and, in some magical manner, his life suddenly has more
meaning. He is excited by the thought of winning her over and
encouraged by a feeling in his gut that says confidently, I could
make her happy. As he is magnetically drawn to her, she brings
out the best in him.

A man is excited by the thought of
winning a woman over and encouraged by
a feeling in his gut that says confidently,
I could make her happy.

When a man makes a woman feel feminine, her mind is
stimulated and intrigued; she feels warm, tender, and vulner-
able inside; her heart begins to open as she remembers that
she is special; she is excited by the thought of being seen, heard,
and desired; and she is reassured by the possibility of getting
what she wants and needs. As she is magnetically drawn to
him, his active interest brings out the best in her.

A woman is excited by the thought of being
seen, heard, and desired and reassured by the
possibility of getting what she wants and needs.

It is this feeling of being inspired to be our best that can make
dating and relationships so fulfilling. For many, these good
feelings are hit and miss. Sometimes they are there and some-
times not. By understanding the dynamics of what makes men
and woman attracted to each other, dating can not only begin
to fulfill our need for intimacy but can also help us discover
and express the best parts of who we are.
What allows a woman to bring out the best in a man can

270 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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