Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

be summarized in one expression: feminine radiance. When a
woman expresses her feminine radiance she is generally em-
bodying the three basic characteristics of femininity: she is self-
assured, receptive, and responsive. It is these three qualities
that make a man most attracted to her.
What allows a man to bring out the best in a woman is his
masculine presence. When a man expresses his masculine
presence he is generally embodying the three basic character-
istics of masculinity: he is confident, purposeful, and respons-
ible. It is these three qualities that make a woman most attrac-
ted to him. With an awareness of these different characteristics,
we can begin to understand why some dates work and others
don’t. With this insight we can gain the power to attract the
right person for us.


After reading my book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
Venus, some women realized that they too were from Mars
and that this was the primary reason they were not attracting
the right guy. When I described how men think and feel, it
was also the way they thought and felt. Certainly there was a
part of them that related to the Venusian side of themselves,
but it was not a big part of their lives.
This role reversal is very common, particularly with women
who are very active and committed to their careers. At a certain
point, they want to be married, but they continue to get in-
volved with “guys who don’t commit.” The irony is that many
of those same guys who don’t commit will turn around and
get married right away to someone else. As we will see, it is
not necessarily who we are that makes or breaks a relationship,
but how we express and communicate who we are.

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