Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

is not bad, but if she does it too much she runs the risk of giving
up too much of herself and then resenting her partner when
he is not giving her what she wants. A receptive woman is able
to receive what she gets and not resent getting less. As soon
as she is expecting more and resenting getting less, she is no
longer being receptive.

A receptive woman is able to receive what
she gets and not resent getting less.

Receptivity is being able to receive whatever can be received
in a circumstance. It is the ability to benefit or find something
good in every situation. Even if she can’t find it, being receptive
means she is open to finding it.
For example, when a man doesn’t call, she is still open to
the possibility that he is from Mars and he just forgot. An un-
receptive woman would feel, “Well, that is just an excuse and
I don’t buy it. If I am going to get involved with a man, then
he’d better call me back.” When a woman is receptive and
things are not exactly what she wants, she is receptive to the
possibility that things will get better. She does not close up.
Receptivity means being able to say yes and no at the same
time. She is open to receiving what she wants, likes, or appre-
ciates, but she can also at the same time be very closed to what
she doesn’t want.
For example, a woman can be very receptive to kissing a
man but be closed to anything more. When a woman says no
to a man’s sexual advances for more, she just needs to do it in
a manner that is also receptive to his kissing her. He will con-
tinue to be attracted to her. He just needs to feel that one day
more is possible.

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