Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

she had given more than she was getting, her chances of
moving through the five stages with Carlos disappeared.

When Expectations Are a Turnoff

A man thrives when he feels that he does not have to give,
but that he chooses to give. He wants to give because he cares
and it makes a woman so happy, not because he owes her.
Expectations are a turnoff.
When a man feels he has to give because a woman has given
so much to him, then it is no longer fun to give. It is like
working to pay off your debts. A woman loses her sense of
receptivity when she expects more than a man has been giving.
It is fine to expect a man’s support if he has been giving it
consistently over time, but this kind of expectation is different.
It is based on past experience of what to expect, not just her
assumption that he will support her because he owes her.

Receptive Communication

When a woman is receptive to a man it doesn’t mean that
she necessarily agrees with him. As long as a woman conveys
that she is not threatened by a man or what he has to say, he
doesn’t care if she completely disagrees with him.
As a matter of fact, men like it a lot when a woman can
playfully disagree. If he is talking about the Republicans and
she is a Democrat and responds by completely disagreeing
with him, he doesn’t mind at all. It is all in the way she dis-

Men love it when a woman can both disagree
and express an attitude that she still likes him
and trusts him to be a good guy.

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